Sunday, January 9, 2011

Late Updates from 2010_Dec

December was a quiet month. Many Muzungu go home for the holiday and many of the locals also take vacations around this time to spend CHristmas with family. I was one of very few people left around which provided for a nice and relaxing time, even at work without the hassle and the endless emails and requests to resolve pharmaceitical stockouts from any of the three hospitals and other pharmacy supply chain fires!!

In a previous post I talked about the new hospital project I'm involved in with PIH and how it wassupposed to open in October 2010. Well, the new date is end of January. A lot has been done and the hospital is in a great shape with lots of completed sections. We;re now in the process of getting the furniture and all medical equipment in place. II've been working with my counterpart on the hospital side to put together a distribution plan that we've been executing the past couple of weeks.

At this point, all available equipment and furniture is in place. However, we're still waiting on two other shipments to sort through and distribute as well as moving existing equipment fro mthe exsting facility.

Next week, the final touches in terms of site construction crew will be completed, IT connections, etc. The following week, my team's work will need to come to an end, and the planning for the inauguration event will begin. Expected at the inauguration event will be attended by the president, Paul Kagame, Paul Farmer, Bill Clinton (Clinton FOundation is a major donor), as well as other international and national guests.

Here're some picture updates. OR, one of the patient wards, and a garden shot

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